“A sense of expansion, of stillness, of warmth, of connection, of sweetness, of something so familiar and welcoming…”

A sense of expansion, of stillness, of warmth, of connection, of sweetness, of something so familiar and welcoming, a place that makes us want to linger, a sacred space to allow layers, armours, worries, insecurities to slowly peel off as we all converged and connected, committed to continue to move towards, with love. I have so many magic moments when I think back on all the years we spent in that space. Here are the ones that come to mind today. Chanting with my eyes closed during early morning Sadhana. Feeling bathed by the sound of voices and the mesmerizing tune of the harmonium filling the studio, my voice getting lost in the music, feeling like time was suspended for a moment. The first time I held pincha mayurasana (with JP's hands ready to catch me) - I felt like I was flying. Dancing to "The Dog Days are Over" with all the amazing women, my sister, and you, Michelle, on the eve of my wedding. For all the memories, the teaching, the bringing together of that amazing community, thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Janick H.


“I did my first yoga class at Ahimsa at least ten years ago (it was Octopus Garden then) and JP might have been my first teacher.”


“When I reflect on what makes this community so special to me, it is the palpable feeling of profound trust between students and teachers.”