Shawna Turner

  1. Why do you love yoga? I love yoga because it is always changing. As soon as I feel as thought I’ve ‘got’ something, something shifts and I’m beginning all over again. There is so much depth to the practice and the deeper I go the more I realize I’ve just scratched the surface.

  2. What was your breakthrough moment? My Aha moment was realizing that they physical practice is just a tool. The breathing practice, just a tool. Tools to take me closer to something bigger. Closer to myself.

  3. Why do you love to teach? I love to teach, because yoga is a gift and I love being able to share it. I love to teach because when I am teaching I am the most present. It doesn’t matter what is going on in my day or in my life, when I am teaching I am fully present; in my body, my breath, my teaching, the room and with the people who are sharing the practice with me. And in that moment, there is freedom.

  4. What is your favourite pose and why? Pigeon pose. It’s so good. It’s intense but also really gooey.

  5. What can students expect to take away from your class? I hope to inspire students to live their fullest life. My hope is to inspire community, to connect us in empowering and encouraging each other to just do the best we can each and every day.

  6. How has yoga changed your life? Yoga has brought me so much happiness. It has connected me to some of my closest friends and community. Yoga is teaching me to let go of all that doesn’t fit in my life. Yoga brings me closer to myself.


Lacey Croft


Philippe Van de Maele Martin